So what is going on? The Cayman Islands has one of the highest GDP per-capita in the world, and thus presumably should have no problem raising the relatively small amounts of money at issue. The problem is that the tax base of the Caymans is fleeting. Expats (and capital for that matter) came to the Caymans precisely for their zero income tax rate, and presumably will leave just as quickly without it (in the words of one Cayman expat - "no tax or we leave").
Attracting financial business and the people who support it through tax competition is what made the Caymans wealthy from a GDP per-capita standpoint. That it also is what makes it trapped from a revenue standpoint: raise taxes and lose this tax base (and business) or don't raise taxes and never fund any new public goods. In a recent article I identify and analyze this phenomenon in depth (subsequent work by economists has also begun to do so). In the article, I refer to this as a modern Morton's Fork, providing small tax haven type countries with a choice, of sorts, between two equally unappealing options. In the article, this was a matter of theory. But, lo and behold, it appears to have become real life.
From a US tax policy standpoint, this should be particularly troubling. The United States needs tax havens such as the Cayman Islands to stop engaging in tax competition to collect the billions, or even trillions, of lost tax revenue. The Cayman Islands, at least as evidenced by recent events, can't. So the world appears stuck.
Perhaps it is time to start thinking differently about tax competition. Instead of ignoring the Morton's Fork plaguing the Cayman Islands and continue insisting it just stop being a tax haven, the United States could adopt policies to make it easier for the Cayman Islands to do so. For example, if US tax law made it easier for capital to invest in the Cayman Islands, there would be less pressure on the Caymans to rely on tax competition. In turn, it would become easier for the Cayman Islands to impose some income taxes, share information, or otherwise cooperate with the United States on tax matters, the benefits of which should vastly outweigh any costs. I discuss some specific proposals in detail in the article, but the basic premise remains. While this may seem counter-intuitive at first, recent events only further support the idea that counter-intuitive may be precisely what the international tax system needs at this time. Absent some fundamental change, my guess is we will only continue to see skirmishes such as the one over the failed Cayman "community enhancement fee" increase over time.
Those that established the Caymans as the Caymans in the early 60s, during the UK's flight of human capital, understood that 50% of something was better than 100% of nothing. Under quarterly repatriation rules, exceptions to those quarterly repatriation rules(once referred to as 'The Senate Rules'...) passive assets in a form that would be tax free if held in the US are excluded from the quarterly snapshot, but that is because such assets were then already in the hands of some government or municipality somewhere. Capital Honey Pot.
ReplyDeleteThe biannual election year noise about reeling in the big bad pirate turtle Caymans is a hoot. A charlatan comes along and threatens to drag the execs of Citi in front of the C-Span cameras to name names, and then the Citi execs say 'gladly; do you want the names of current and former Congressmen announced alphabetically or chronologically?'... and then the predictable 'never mind.' Nobody had more frequent flyer miles to Georgetown than Ted Kennedy, visiting daddy's rum running money when he wasn't back home selling other people's compassion for votes.
Caymans Corps provide legitimate grease to aid international business; they aren't all hiding decades old rum running money. Some number like 50% of them are fully disclosed to the IRS, and the capital represented by the remaining 50% is not stacked on a beach under a palm tree, idle; it is invested.
The Caymans is a necessary capital safety valve; in the 60s, it allowed the UK to have the best of both worlds. The pony show of a bright new red dawn at home, and the machinery of capitalism humming quietly far over the horizon. Everybody was happy.
More or less.
The problem was not capitalism exiled overseas; the problem was the pony show at home, pandering to the worst within us for votes. The result has been 'social justice' and nations who tolerated this formula are now wearing it.
And now, talk about sharpening our clumsy tribal forks is the long predicted response.
Meanwhile, for the last 30 years at least, the lesson has been obvious to some: in this tribal C.F., neither an employer nor employee be.