Monday, July 22, 2019

55 documentaries and one drama: A list of films about tax #taxflix

A discussion about tax documentaries unfolded on twitter over the past few days, dubbed #taxflix, HT @alvinmosioma.

I threaded a list that I had been keeping for some time, and the twitter discussion resulted in some key additions so I decided to upload the contents of my spreadsheet to this public google sheet where anyone can view or add to the list, but for those who simply want the current list (arranged by year), it is below.

The ones available on youtube are also available via this playlist.
  1. The New Spirit, 1942,
  2. Spirit of ‘43, 1943,
  3. The Sloane Affair, 1972,
  4. The Polite Conspiracy, 1984,
  5. A Taxing Woman, 1987,
  6. Death and Taxes, 1993,
  7. An Act of Conscience, 1997,
  8. Life and Debt, 2001,
  9. Tax Revolts, 2001, URL unknown
  10. NOW with Bill Moyers: A Question of Fairness, 2003, URL unknown
  11. Sealand: The Mystery Solved, 2003, Part 1: and Part 2:
  12. Tax Me if You Can (US version), 2004,
  13. Global Capital Market: Risks and Rewards, 2007,
  14. Inside the IRS, 2007, URL unknown
  15. I.O.U.S.A, 2008,
  16. Tax Me if You Can (Australia Version), 2008,
  17. Taxing the Poor, 2008,
  18. The End of Poverty, 2008,
  19. Rising Tide, 2008, URL unknown
  20. Tax Me If You Can (UK version), 2009,
  21. Ten Trillion and Counting, 2009,
  22. We’re Not Broke, 2009,
  23. Your Tax Dollars at Work, 2009,
  24. Deficits: Taxing the Rich, 2010,
  25. Dispatches: How the Rich beat the Tax man, 2010,
  26. I.O.U.S.A. Solutions, 2010,
  27. Inside the IRS, 2010, (part 1)
  28. 60 minutes: The New Tax Havens, 2011,
  29. An Inconvenient Tax, 2011,
  30. Dazed & Confused | The Money Issue, 2011,
  31. Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?, 2011,
  32. The American Tax Cheat, 2011,
  33. UK Uncut, 2011,
  34. Transfer pricing and tax havens, 2011,
  35. While We Watch, 2012,
  36. Dispatches: Secrets of the Taxman, 2012,
  37. We’re Not Broke, 2012,
  38. Good Copper, Bad Copper, 2012,
  39. Cash investigation S1E3: Les petits secrets des grandes entreprises, 2012,
  40. Frontline: The Untouchables, 2013,
  41. How to Build a Country from Scratch, 2013,
  42. Inside Story : Tax avoidance: Legality vs morality, 2013,
  43. Cash investigation S2E1: Le scandale de l'evasion fiscale: revelations sur les milliards qui nous manquent, 2013,
  44. Tax Free Tour, 2013,
  45. Falciani's Tax Bomb: The Man Behind the Swiss Leaks, 2015,
  46. Offshore Banking / Tax Havens : Didn’t you know, you knew ?, 2016,
  47. Offshore: Elmer und das Bankgeheimnis, 2016,
  48. Cash investigation S4E7: Paradis fiscaux: le casse du siecle, 2016,
  49. Paradis fiscale & Panama Papers, scandale d'évasion fiscale, 2016,
  50. The Price We Pay, 2017,
  51. Global Witness | Paradise Papers: Time to investigate Glencore, 2017,
  52. The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire, 2017,
  53. Cash investigation S6E3 Paradise Papers: au coeur d'in scandal mondial, 2017,
  54. Development Foregone, 2017,
  55. Der Insider: #CumExFiles, 2018,
  56. Reberth, 2018,