Saturday, October 31, 2015

Global Justice Post-2015

The Global Justice Program at Yale University is currently hosting a conference exploring the post-2015 agenda for human rights and global justice. List of speakers and topics:
Day One: October 30 
Panel 1: Global Tax Fairness: Allison Christians, Manuel Montes, Erika Siu; Chair: Zorka Milin)  
Amartya Sen Prize Contest Ceremony 
Panel 2: Illicit financial flows, human rights and the post-2015 agenda - Discussion of Independent Expert’s Report: Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Nicholas Lusiani, Léonce Ndikumana, Esther Shubert; Chair: Tom Cardamon 
Panel 3: Addis, Post-2015, and future efforts against Illicit Financial Flows: Tom Cardamone, Steven Dean, Gail Hurley and Jakob Schwab; Chair: Laura Biron 
Day Two: October 31  
Statement of the Health Impact Fund (HIF) and mini-HIF, including discussion: Aidan Hollis, Thomas Pogge; Chair: Alex Sayegh  
Panel 4: Mini-HIF: Piloting the Health Impact Fund: Laura Biron, Aidan Hollis, Peter Maybarduk, Thomas Pogge, Jeffrey Sachs, Richard Wilder; Chair: Tendayi Bloom
Concluding Session on the Health Impact Fund  
Panel 5: Individual Deprivation Measure, Poverty Measurement: Sharon Bessell, Thomas Pogge, Scott Wisor; Chair: Yuan Yuan. 
Day Three: November 1  
Panel 6: Oslo Principles on Climate Change Obligations: Thomas Pogge, Jaap Spier, Kira Vinke; Chair: Shmulik Nili 
Panel 7: Sustainable Development Goals (Daniel Esty, Thomas Pogge, Jeffrey Sachs; Chair: Corinna Mieth.
I presented yesterday on the topic of "Global Tax Fairness." I discussed the connection between taxation and human rights, highlighting the challenges for the realization of rights and justice that are posed by tax competition and exploring whether and how systemic change is possible. I have a couple of works in progress on the topic and will post drafts when ready.

In the meantime, I'm experimenting with making my powerpoint presentations available online (along with other resources in the future). You can view a list here: see pull down menu entitled "resources". Comments and suggestions are welcome.

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