- Regulation of online advertising
- Privacy and competition issues in online advertising
- Renewable energy policies
- S. 23 and H.R. 1249 - America Invents Act
- S. 968 - Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011
- S. 978 - Commercial Felony Streaming Act
- S. 1228 - Combating Military Counterfeits Act of 2011
- S. 2029 - Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act
- H.R. 3261 - Stop Online Piracy Act
- Section 107 fair use exceptions
- Music licensing and treatment of "orphan" works
- Intellectual property enforcement
- Digital Millennium Copyright
- S. 799 - Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011
- S. 1011 - Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2011
- S.1535 - Personal Data Protection and Breach Accountability Act of 2011
- H.R. 654 - Do Not Track Me Online Act
- H.R. 1528 - Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2011
- H.R. 1707 - Data Accountability and Trust Act
- H.R. 1841 - Data Accountability and Trust Act (DATA) of 2011
- H.R. 3674 - The Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness (PRECISE) Act of 2011
- H.R. 3523 - Cyber Intelligence Sharing
- H.R. 1389 - Global Online Freedom Act of 2011
- H.Con.Res. 114: Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should preserve, enhance,
- and increase access to an open, global Internet
- S. 1258 - A bill to provide for comprehensive immigration reform, and for other purposes.
- S. 1549 and H.R. 12 - American Jobs Act of 2011
- H.R. 2164 - Legal Workforce Act
- H.R. 3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2011
- High Skilled Immigration and Job Creation
- Openness and competition in online service
- General issues related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education ("STEM") (no
- existing bill, but discussed potential legislation to help Veterans STEM education);
- Autonomous Vehicle Technology
- S. 565 and H.R. 1114 - StartUp Visa Act of 2011
- H.R.3606 - Reopening American Capital Markets to Emerging Growth Companies Act of 2012
- S. 1791: Democratizing Access to Capital Act of 2011
- S. 1965: Startup Act of 2011
- S. 1970: Capital Raising Online While Deterring Fraud and Unethical Non-Disclosure Act of 2011
- Benefits of cloud computing and online advertising for small businesses
- Online small business advertising issue
- S. 455 - Reforming Airwaves by Developing Incentives and Opportunistic Sharing Act
- S. 911 - Strengthening Public-safety and Enhancing Communications Through Reform, Utilization, and Modernization Act
- S. 1549 and H.R. 12 - American Jobs Act of 2011
- H.R. 1002 - Wireless Tax Fairness Act of 2011
- H.R. 2520 - Spectrum for Innovation Act of 2011
- H.R. 3309 - Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Act of 2011
- H.R. 3509 - Wireless Innovation and Public Safety Act of 2011
- FCC NPRM on Implementing the Provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as Enacted by the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010
- FCC NPRM on Comprehensive Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation Reform
- Open Internet access
- Spectrum allocation
- International tax reform
- H.R. 1036 the Job Creation and Innovation Investment Act of 2011
- Freedom of expression and intellectual property in international trade agreements
- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
- Legislation to clarify reporting of child pornography with foreign law enforcement agencies
- Google Maps and Google Earth Issues
- USTR 1377 Review of Telecommunications Trade Agreements
- Republic of Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement
- Colombia Free Trade Agreement
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Panama Free Trade Agreement
- Issues relating to internet standards of service
On fiscal policy, politics, society, philosophy, and culture. Follow on twitter: @profchristians
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Google's $5 million lobbying budget
Google spent $5 million on lobbying last year, up a million and then some from the year before. It's been a busy year. They spent it on an extensive and fascinating list of issues, some specific legislation, some bigger issues and yes, on this list is "international tax reform," which was at least in part for that failed repatration holiday. From their lobbying report, here they are:
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